Here you can enter a Collection No. to be used with the current Order Type also enabling you to use one specific Shipment Date Code of the Collection Shipment Dates related to the Collection. This is done by entering the Shipment Date Code into the Shipment Date Code field. You can make a look-up in the Shipment Date Code field to see which Shipment Date Codes are available with the current Collection No..
The Collection No. of the Order Type will be transferred to the Sales Header or Purchase Header as a default value which can be changed afterwards.

When you enter a Collection No. into this field, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code of the Collection will be copied to the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code of the Order Type but afterwards they can be changed manually except for one situation. If one of the global dimension codes is used as Collection Dimension, it cannot be changed afterwards.

You cannot fill in this field if you have set a filter in the Filter Collection Master field.

See Also