You can check and see if an item you need to fulfill an order is in stock, and if it is not, when the item will be in stock. In addition, if an item is available to reserve, you can reserve it to make sure it is available for your use.
To check item availability for all orders
In the Search box, enter Dispatch Board, and then choose the related link.
Select an order, and on the Navigate tab, in the Planning group, choose Demand Overview.
This launches the calculation of item availability. The Demand Overview window opens.
In the Demand Overview window, expand the item grouping, and view information about the availability of the item. For example, you can see how many items are in inventory. You can also see if and when an item will be available if it is on back order, that is, Source Type = Purchase, or whether it has been reserved.
To check item availability for a single order
In the Search box, enter Dispatch Board, and then choose the related link.
Select an order to review. On the Navigate tab, in the Dispatch Board group, choose Show Document. The Service Order window opens.
On the Navigate tab, in the Order group, choose Demand Overview.
This launches the calculation of item availability and opens the Demand Overview window.
In the Demand Overview window, expand the item grouping, and view information about the availability of the item. For example, you can see how many items are in inventory. You can also see if and when an item will be available if it is on back order, that is, Source Type = Purchase, or whether it has been reserved.
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For more information about how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For more information about how to find specific pages, see Search. |