If the Permanent or Optional parameter of the VarDim Item is set to a value different from O (Optional without Default), this field will be filled in with the Value of the VarDim Item when a VarDim Order is created. Depending on the Type, you can manually change the Value. The Type can have the following options:




If no VarDim Dimension Option is related to the VarDim Type, you can enter any decimal figure into this field. Otherwise the program will check whether the entered Value exists in the VarDim Dimension Options or is included in an interval defined by Minimum and/or Maximum.


Any Value entered into this field must exist in the related VarDim Variant Option table.

When a Value is entered, TRIMIT VarDim Validation will check whether the current VarDim Type is subordinate to any other VarDim Types. If so, the program will check whether the entered Value is valid.

If the Value is found valid, the program will continue by checking whether the current VarDim Type is overall to any other VarDim Types. If so, the current Value will be checked against all the related subordinate VarDim Types and if any of those turn out not to be valid, the TRIMIT VarDim Validation will prompt you to confirm that these subordinate Values are cleared. By acceptance the program will clear the Values including possible Values of any related subordinate VarDim Types further down the hierarchy.


Any date can be entered.

Date Formula

Any date formula can be entered.


When you create a VarDim Type of the Type Codes , you also have to fill in the Table Relation Type is Code field to specify which table this field is related to.

Decimal Figures

Any decimal figure can be entered.

If you need a more complex validation by entering of Values, you have the possibility of using the TRIMIT Formula functionality. Then the relevant Formula No. must be placed in the VarDim Master according to which situation you want it to be used.

A formula can be set up for a VarDim Order related to a Sales Order, a Purchase Order or a Production Order by entering the Formula No. into the Formula VarDim Sales field, Formula VarDim Purchase field or Formula VarDim Production field, respectively.

See Also