Here you enter the Type of the Calculation Template Line. The Type determines which information you can enter into the Calculation Type field. The following options are available:




If Type is set to Text, the Calculation Type will be linked to the Standard Text table. This means that a Code from the Standard Text table can be filled into the Calculation Type field and the Description of the Standard Text Code will be transferred to the Description of the Calculation Template Line.

You can also let the Calculation Type field remain empty and just enter a free text into the Description field.


If Type is set to Calculation, the Calculation Type will be linked to the Calculation Type table. This means that a Calculation Type No. can be filled into the Calculation Type field and the Description of the Calculation Type No. will be transferred to the Description of the Calculation Template Line.

Afterwards you are allowed to change the Description of the Calculation Template Line manually.

See Also